Friday, November 18, 2005

eNeMy oF tHe sTaTe...

This was a long ago show... i took the dvd out from the cupboard to watch... had wanted to watch this piece for a long time... and today, finally, sat down for it...

It's about this attorney (Will Smith), or wat we call lawyer in local terms, whom met his friend who was on the run... the friend dropped a video tape into his shopping bag, without him knowing, which contains the killing of a congressman, or minister in local terms... the friend was knocked down by a fire engine while on the run... Now, with the tape in his hand, the killers of the crime come hunting down for him, and he doesn't know wat is it that they want from him...

The mastermind of the crime is apparently a fellow congressman, whom is on the opposite side of the victim... the congressman wants the bill to be passed down in congress, for the rights to use sophisticated surveilliance on people, in the name of national security... The victim got murdered coz he disagreed... And the crime is being unknowingly caught on tape by an environmentalist, which is the friend of Will Smith...

So the show is about using sophisticated tracking tools and surveilliance to track and hunt him down, leaving him with almost nowhere to hide since his whereabouts are always known by satellite imaging... The show uses all kinds of tools that will make you go, *wow*...

There was a scene which says, "Phone lines are being tapped all over the world, that once you mentioned the word 'bomb', 'president', or 'allah', your identity will be tracked and checked through thoroughly, and that already happened 20 years ago... *wow*

The movie brings me to certain points...

1. There are many classified tools to track and collect intelligence, check on your personal particulars like bank accounts, spending history, your family and friends related...
2. Then, isn't it scary to be tracked every minute and second, with no space to breathe? Like invading your privacy...
3. And isn't it more scary, to not know that you already have been tracked?

So it may be good to have intelligence going around to secure our homeland security, but it will be terrible to let it fall into the wrong hands...

It's a good 2 hour movie that is worth watching, worth every minute of the 2 hours... it's exciting action-packed from head to toe, leaving you with no space to breathe, while Will Smith is being hunt down with no space to breathe also... The story line is smart, sharp and witty, with new things that you can learn form the show... Eg: the various kinds of surveilliance devices that the authorities can use... It is a show worth watching and you should not miss it...

Verdict: *****


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